It was 1:00 a.m. I was awake. I was uncomfortable (I’ll tell you why in a mom). But even in my discomfort a word came to me “out-of-the-blue.” Blessed. It got me thinking (yes, even at that time in the morning).
One of my favorite people (whom I have never met in person) is a woman from Georgia named Martha. She blogs at She ends every comment on my blog (and others) with “Blessings.”
Our local sheriff, Sam, is a Christ-follower. You ask him how he is doing and he will answer, “I’m blessed.”
My secretary, Diana, has a t-shirt she likes to wear: “Blessed and highly caffeinated.” Since she drinks very little coffee, I suspect it is the “Blessed” she likes.
Jesus used that word “Blessed” 9 times in the Sermon on the Mount. They are called the Beatitudes.
This past Saturday as I was walking from gassing up my truck to the store to get my change and to meet Jo to get something to drink, a car backed into me and knocked me over. My left hand slammed the pavement and immediately was on fire. I now have the black and blue and sore hand to prove it (hence the 1 a.m. discomfort). Of course, they both got out of the car to see how I was and to apologize. As I waiting in line (I think in a little bit of shock), the man came into the store to see if I was okay. I said, “Yes” and he said, “Well, God bless you.”
As I was driving down the interstate a few moments later (and after the reality of what had happened dawned on me…my hand reminded me), I told Jo what he said. I then said, “I wish I had been more with it because I would have said to him, ‘He has. He does. He will.'” But I didn’t. I didn’t even think of it. And since they are from Rhode Island I doubt I ever will (unless I see them in heaven).
In spite of the pain in life; in spite of the stumbles and falls; in spite of the missteps; in spite of the times of loneliness and feeling of hopelessness and abandonment which sometimes invades our space, we are blessed.
I know I am. It just takes me taking my eyes off of me and my circumstances and looking at Jesus to realize I am blessed beyond measure.
So are you. Do you know that?
“Father, help me to see how blessed I really am.”
I’m glad you can say that Diane.
Glad you were not more seriously injured!
I think we can all forget at times how Blessed we really are.
it could have been worse for sure. And yes, we do forget.
Thanks so much, Bill, for your kind comment regarding my blog and my use of the word, “blessing.” I truly to mean it! We are blessed more than we can ever realize, and we need to give thanks each and every day to the One who has made that possible.
Hope your hand gets well quickly!
You are more than welcome Martha. I wish I had a lot of traffic here to send more your way but… But I most certainly agree we are blessed far more than we realize. It is getting well slowly. Starting to turn colors now.