July 18

Written by Bill Grandi on July 18th, 2022

During my Encounter Time this morning, I read from Mark 10. There were several “clumps” of verses that I highlighted:

1. 10: 6-9– God’s original intention of marriage being one man/one woman for life.

2. 10: 14-15- Jesus speaks about the heart of a child-their acceptance of His message and us becoming like one.

3. 10: 23-25– In His encounter with the rich, young ruler, Jesus talks about the difficulty of a rich person getting into heaven. It is not that they can’t or won’t. it comes down to who owns his/her life.

But the one which stuck with me this morning:

4. 10: 43-45– Jesus speaks about being a servant and then uses Himself as an example. Can there be any more telling verse about Him and His purpose/mission on earth than verse 45? “He did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus shows what true servanthood is. He shows us what true humility is. He shows us that being #1 is not all its cracked up to be. There is greater joy and greater reward in being a servant, of being the one who gives her/her life away for others than to live for self and self-promotion.

“Father, may I be a servant to all. Help me to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.” 


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Many years ago when I was very young in the LORD, a woman asked me who I was in the Kingdom of God. I didn’t have a clue, especially after she told me she was a prophet. For a long while, I kept asking God that question. One day in my quiet time with Him, I read about Abigail and how she became King David’s wife. She bowed before him and said, “I am the servant of the servant of The LORD.” I knew right then and there that was who I was and my “job description” was to serve the servants of The LORD. And that is what I have done all these years. Hallelujah. May it ever be so…

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m glad you chose to pursue what He thinks of you Diane. There is a great reward in knowing who you are and that you are following His desire for you not someone else’s for you. A servant is to be honored, especially one who serves the servants. And yes, may it ever be so. Thank you for the comment.

  2. If we want to become more like Jesus, we have to have the heart of a servant. Sounds so easy, Bill, but honestly, it’s difficult to put ourselves aside, isn’t it?
    Lord, mold my heart to fit with yours!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That is the problem Martha. It does sound so easy but it a whole lot more difficult to do. I agree with your prayer.

  3. Ryan S says:

    A constant struggle to fight against my selfish motivation and allow myself to be freely used by God. I don’t like to relinquish that control.

  4. gail says:

    Father, please help me to take to heart of the role of a servant. Jesus has set the perfect example as He always does. Help me Father, to see the needs, teach me to put aside myself and serve You and others as I am called to do. Great blog today Bill, something I need to meditate on every single day, and surrender to each day.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Gail, you can join the club of the “everyday-ers.” Those of us who need to relearn this lesson every single day. thanks.