If you were to take a random survey of people, especially Christ-followers, of what is there #1 question here on earth, and possibly one they say they will ask God when they get to heaven, I suspect it would be, “Why?” More specifically, “Why all the pain and suffering, especially to little children?”
To be more specific with an example (and there is, of course, not only one), here is one I have been dealing with. Some folks who are friends of mine, but also part of the church I pastor, have a neighbor/friend who has a 4 year old who has been diagnosed with a glioma, an inoperable, aggressive, and fatal brain tumor. He has had 3 surgeries so far- one for the tumor originally, and two for complications (bleeding and infection). The question “Why him?” has been asked a lot lately.
I believe we can ask that question and more any time we want. God is not afraid of our questions. But, will we be satisfied with the answer? I don’t know. God, of course, is under no obligation to answer. None. He doesn’t owe me anything.
But I can take heart that Jesus also asked why. Remember on the cross? “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Notice the “why.” But take note of the 4 words which precede it. Even though the grief over separation from His Father was great, Jesus still trusted (“Into Your hands I commit my spirit”). Jesus was forsaken so I might be forgiven. But even in His plain and agony (not physical), Jesus trusted.
We will NEVER understand all that goes on down here on earth. We will NEVER understand all the “whys.” That is not the issue. The issue is “will I trust?”
I don’t know what you or someone you love may be going through right now. In the end, it comes down to trust.
{Side note: I will be taking this Sunday off. I have had one off (and didn’t realize it), since sometime in 2021. This weekend Jo and I are going to chill and Sunday we plan to visit Ryan and Amanda’s home church (he comments on this blog). Your prayers for a “chill time” would be appreciated. Someone has said, “If you don’t come apart, you will come apart.” I prefer to do the former before the latter. Thanks}
During my quiet time this morning, I took a moment to ponder your post… The question Why? I am not even going to begin to think that I can relate to the circumstances you describe. My heart goes out to the the family mentioned and families just like theirs who are currently living day by day not knowing what the next day will bring in regards to a sick child or for those who have recently lost a child due to illness or an unexpected accident.
So I will post what I had written in my journal.
“Read Bill’s blog today… The Question of Why came up. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do bad things happen to children specifically? Probably a question that has been asked of God since the beginning… WHY? Why does God spare some and not others? Really makes one think how much hurt and pain and suffering parents go through when their child becomes ill, and yet so many still run to various clinics to have their babies removed and discarded. I DON’T believe God causes the illness, the sickness, the accidents, the abnormalities. We live in a fallen world where these things exist. Where the consequences of our own doing, both known and unknown, cause harm, cause mutation, cause death. But that doesn’t comfort the crying parents of a dying child. That doesn’t bring relief or peace. one can only lean in on God for comfort and peace. — True Peace. Sure, alternative methods exist to deaden the pain. Drugs, alcohol, filling one’s time with activities, but in the end they will only contribute to more pain, more suffering, more questions. I don’t have an answer to the why. I can only offer my prayers and my presence. My tears and my sorrow, followed by my hope and joy and peace offered only by God. May God bless the hurting families today, may He comfort them and bring them peace.”
Thanks for sharing Bill, we often get so caught up in our own world that we overlook the pain that others go through. Father I pray for my eyes and ears to be open today and my heart to be aware of those in pain today. I won’t be able to answer the why, but perhaps I can share with them the One who can help ease the pain.
Trying to answer that question will make us go mad I think. 🙂 However, your journal entry speaks volumes Ryan. We will not know the answer to Why but we do know the One who controls it all. I, too, do not believe God caused the hurt, sickness, etc. That was our mortal enemy who did that and our own sin consequences. But like you, I pray they will see or find God in all of this. Thanks for our open heart answer today.
Yes, Bill, in the end, it all comes down to trust. I choose that trust over all the whys I might ask.
Have a chill weekend and simply enjoy!
Thanks Martha. I certainly hope to chill. it is sort of chilly here right now but not that kind. 🙂
I had a friend at work who lost her grandson to a brain tumor, he was nine when he passed. I have a really close friend whose niece was sexually abused. Why, cannot be answered. It’s just heart breaking. Both of my friends held on to the Lord, they both taught me a lot about the healing peace of our Father. How important it is to pray for things we cannot understand, and to keep hope in the only one who can bring us through a tragedy, and help us heal.
On a lighter note, Bill, you and Jo have a great weekend and some well deserved down time.
It is heart-breaking Gail. And except for the “Christian platitudes” which I don’t want or like to use, there is no really good answer. Empathy and compassion are more needed. And thanks for the lighter note. 🙂
That indeed is the question of humanity. As a teacher of The Word that question comes up. There are things we will never understand on this side of Eternity. And trust is the answer because He is with us every step of the way, no matter how brutal our situations may be. Enjoy your day off and the fellowship you and Jo will have! God Bless you.
And will probably never be answered Diane.