Have you ever noticed how some people hide well? Some do it on purpose. They don’t want to be seen. Anonymous is the best way. There is both good and bad in that.
There are also those who like to labor behind the scenes. Unseen by many, each week they do “their thing.” Teach children. Work in a nursery. Safety and security. Work the sound board. Do Power Point. Clean up afterwards. Collect garbage. The list could go on.
They like it that way. They want it that way. Praise and accolades is not why they do what they do.
Just before kickoff at Super Bowl XLIII, Kurt Warner of the Arizona Cardinals received the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award-a tribute to the player who had best combined on-field excellence with off-field community service. It represents a commitment to giving and sacrificing to others.
Paying homage to those who serve is not a new concept. It isn’t that they clamor for it. A servant doesn’t do that. One who serves does just that: serves. Jesus once said, “I came not be served, but to serve, and to give my life as a ransom for many.” He becomes the example the servant follows.
But every once in a while it is nice to be “seen” and recognized. Have you taken the time to let a volunteer know how much you appreciate what they have done? If not, take the time today to drop them a note, text them, call them, or take them out to eat as a treat and a thank you.
You will be glad you did.
One thing I have been made very much aware of over the last couple years is not to take volunteers for granted. One would think that the Church would be the last place you would have to seek out volunteers to do the work that is needed to reach others, but that is not the case. I also don’t think one can assume that just because a local church is big, that there are enough people, that you wouldn’t have to be constantly asking for help, but again, not the case. I make it a point every week to tell those that are in the A/V booth with me how much they are appreciated. How great the service went because of the effort THEY put in. Even when things don’t go as planned, I try to encourage and point out the positives. I am thankful for those who God has brought and provided. I am thankful for the willing hearts and those that have a desire to serve.
You say it well Ryan. And what a great thought to always encourage your volunteers. Many will say they don’t do it for the praise, but it never hurts to give it.
Giving praise and encouragement benefits both giver and receiver, Bill. There are so many unsung heroes out there, we should make a point in recognizing them.
You pegged it well Martha. Unsung heroes.