INFLUENCE. Someone has said, “Leadership is influence.” That is a big word which goes both ways. I Corinthians 15:33 says, “Bad company corrupts good morals.” That is true so I hope and pray that when people are around me I encourage them. I lift them up. I influence them for the good. Ultimately, I want them to consider Jesus-a follower of Him or not.
But sometimes it is the other way around and it comes when I least expect it. Yesterday was a perfect example.
At lunch time I met with a young man whom I have known for a little over 6 years. I met him and his young family when they returned from a traumatic time in South Sudan where they had served as missionaries. Their experience, while it had its good points, was very draining. Spiritually. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. God, in His marvelous way and plan has brought healing. Next week he, his wife, and now three children (it was one when they came home), are heading to Nairobi, Kenya as missionaries. They are going to encourage other missionaries who are in the place they were. Their home will be a sanctuary for recovery and rest. His heart for God and for other missionaries shows God’s power in healing their hearts. I came away encouraged.
Then last night Jo and I took a young family (a young couple and their three children (5, 3, and a newborn) to the Mexican restaurant for a meal away from home. We figured they could use it. 🙂 (And I never heard Jo complain about eating out…ever). They are a wonderful couple/family, obviously in love, and have two delightful children and one who I’m sure will be loved, smothered, and nurtured by mom and dad and big brother and big sister. Jo went away saying, “I like them. They are so real and down to earth.” I agree. She also said she never heard the husband talk so much. 🙂
It did my heart good to be influenced. As a pastor, I am the one who is usually expected to influence and encourage. And I tried to do so in both conversations. But it was also good to be encouraged by simple conversations and shared lives.
So let me ask you: who and how have you influenced people lately?
The couple I mentioned yesterday that I send the Bible verses and prayers too, I have been trying to lead them to read their Bible together as a couple for several years. Sadly, they still do not, they go to church. I lead a Bible study on thursday nights, those ladies were already studying the Bible, we all learn together. The other main people I have been working on, I have not had much luck with. I will continue to work on it though. Overall it’s an area I really need to improve on, find some new ways to lead people to the Lord.
Sometimes there is not a whole lot more we can do unless the person wants to put for the effort. The important thing here is that you are looking for people and ways to encourage and influence.
No doubt, we are all influencers… I think you ask the question well, How will I influence today?
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” -Benjamin Franklin
I think this can be applied to being intentional in our influence.
Very true Ryan. Ben’s quote is a good one, not just when planning for a business venture but also in helping others.
So many times in life, we expect to be the encourager in an encounter only to discover that we, ourselves, are being encouraged. What an unexpected and most welcome joy that is!
Blessings, Bill!
Your comment is so good and so true Martha. I love those times.
It sounds to me like “iron sharpened iron.” I can only imagine how blessed your friends were to be around you and your wife. So thoughtful of you to take that family out to dinner! God bless you and your wife for all you do for His Kingdom, Pastor Bill!
Thank you Cheryl. Truth be known: i often ask Jo if we can have so-and-so over and she says, “Why can’t we take them out to eat?” 🙂 so…guess who wins? Both meals were an encouragement to me Cheryl. I recommend others doing the same.