August 15

Written by Bill Grandi on August 15th, 2024

Knee Replacement Day.

We have special days we remember:

  • Valentine’s Day- Remember Love
  • Easter- Remember the Resurrection
  • Memorial Day- Remember the Fallen
  • June 16, 1973- Remember Wedding Day (better not for forget that one!)
  • Independence Day- Remember Freedom
  • Labor Day- Remember Work
  • October 9, 1952- Greatest Day (birthday) 🙂  (I’m a legend in my own mind)
  • Veteran’s Day- Remember Veterans
  • Thanksgiving Day- Remember Gratitude
  • Christmas Day- Remember Jesus’ Birth

And now a new one for me to remember: November 11th-Knee Replacement Day

After years of running and jumping playing baseball and basketball (and believing I could still jump and play like I used to); after soon-to-be 72 years of a bowed right leg getting worse as I aged; after meniscus surgery at age 61; after arthritis in that same knee; after 4 injections (3 steroid and one hyaluronic acid) with the last steroid barely lasting weeks; after days and night of discomfort; after times of painful walking and feeling like it was going to was going to give out and put me on my face…it’s time.

I know it’s necessary, but after visiting the PA yesterday for a preliminary exam and talking, it will be no walk in the park (pun intended).

Interesting, isn’t it, how we remember days? Day of infamy. Days of celebration. Day of intense joy. Days of deep sorrow. God has given us an incredible ability to remember, to learn, to grow from every experience. Don’t waste a moment. Don’t waste an experience. Learn. Grow. Psalm 29:1 says, “Honor the Lord, you heavenly beings; honor the Lord for His glory and strength. Honor the Lord for the glory of His name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.” (NLT)

Celebrate special moments. But in those special moments, honor Him.


12 Comments so far ↓

  1. Pam says:

    So sorry you have this looming in the future. We will be praying! My dad had both of his done and did great—no complications! Funny you should talk about honoring special moments in connection with November 11th and giving God the honors. That’s our daughter’s birthday and she truly is a gift from God!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks for the prayers Pam. As for your daughter’s birthday, she is a veteran of church wars. 🙂

  2. Ryan S says:

    November 11th, That gives you most of the winter to recover! Hopefully we’ll enough for a spring bike ride!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That’s the plan Ryan. Ride indoors after he says I can ride and do it all winter. I do plan to ride outside come Spring.

  3. Glynn Young says:

    My wife had knee replacement surgeries in 2018 and 2019. They changed her life. What made for the success, she says, was doing the therapy afterward – both with the physical therapist and at home (I was the therapy assistant). A lot of people give up on doing the therapy exercises, and their surgeries aren’t as successful.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Funny you should mention that Glynn. He super stressed that! Said what a person gets to in the first 6 weeks will determine where they will end up. Thanks for the great reminder. He did say I could ride indoors after about 4-6 weeks.

  4. I will be praying for a successful surgery for you, Bill. Please remind us as the “day of infamy” gets closer! And may we always remember to honor God in everything we do.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks Martha. I will definitely do that. I may be out of commission for a few days.

  5. gail says:

    I will definitely be praying for you Bill. I helped my sister after her knee replacement. I know you will trust God, lean on God, be a good patient and do what the PT tells you do and you will feel better. There will be tough times, however God is the King at walking us through tough times.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks for the prayers Gail. I would love to be there to hear you say, “I know you will…” I would love to see if you are being reassuring or forceful. 🙂

  6. Dexter Luck says:

    I know that this isn’t something you look forward to but I also believe you are well prepared to endure and recover fully. Bernice and I will be praying for you and for complete recovery. I have a feeling that being on that bicycle is what gives you time to reflect and recover from life’s struggles. Possibly a nice tall chair for sermons while recovering would be useful. God Bless you Pastor Bill, we love you brother.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks Dexter. The PA told me yesterday I will be out of commission for about 4 weeks but he never said I couldn’t preach! 🙂 In fact, he says standing is the best thing so I can use the chair to sit then stand then sit… I do appreciate the prayers. I love you both as well.