August 19

Written by Bill Grandi on August 19th, 2024

A nationwide network of a haven for at risk kids is called Safe Place. There is a sign we are asked to display that if a young person is ever in trouble, needs shelter from a “pesky” adult or predator or simply needs a place to “get their head together” that sign says, “Here is a place for you to find refuge. A safe place.” The church I pastor has been a part of that network for years. We have never had a young person show up and yet, if one did and was given a safe place, it is well worth it.

A church should be a safe place. I like to call it a PLACE OF GRACE. Someone has said, “The church is to be a hospital for sinners, not a rest home for saints.”  I wonder if that is what Bob Goff had in mind when he wrote these words:

We actually build castles all the time, out of our jobs and our families and the things we’ve purchased. Sometimes we even make them out of each other…You see, castles have moats to keep creepy people out, but kingdoms have bridges to let everyone in. Castles have dungeons for people who have messed up, but kingdoms have grace. There’s one last thing castles have-trolls. You’ve probably met a couple.” (Everybody, Always-p.41)

Church should be a place where people can go to find safety. I was visiting with someone yesterday who has one year of sobriety under his belt. Yeah for him! Even though coming to church has not been on his radar that often, he knows he needs to be there and he knows he is welcome and accepted there. He has a friend who  stopped going to church (he was going even though he tends to be an agnostic) because supposedly where he was going the pastor said something against the lifestyle of his daughter. Whether it is true or not, I don’t know. Neither did the man I was talking to. But I was pleased when he said, “But they are welcome at OVCF! You have always said that.” True on both counts. I reiterated that I may not agree with a person’s lifestyle and if asked would be honest, but would never ask that person to not come or to leave.

Why? Because church is a place for sinners…like me. It is a place of grace. It is a safe place where people can come to find help and love, a kingdom not a castle. There is much more to say on this topic but that is for another time. Until then, be a safe place for a person seeking solace and answers or simply needs to come in from out of the cold.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Amen, Bill! Churches should offer hope and acceptance for all and to all. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. That is worth remembering if we want to be that safe place for others to come and feel welcome.

  2. gail says:

    Great point Bill. I like the quote from Bob Goff. If we want anyone to understand God’s grace, and love, first step is to make someone feel welcome. Yes we always have to stand by the truth of the Bible and not compromise God’s word, however we still need to speak that truth with love and compassion, not with a condescending tone. It is hard when someone ask you a up front question that they know the Bible does not agree with. Answering questions like that requires time, and prayers, if they will not give you time to answer it, maybe they are just looking for an excuse to leave. It should not be a face off, it needs to be let’s take time to dive into the Bible and see why Gods says what He does and lets study the answers together.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Obviously, I agree with Bob’s quote also. 🙂 Your thoughts on sharing truthfully but with compassion ring true to my heart and my way of thinking. Not compromising is so important but so is not shooting someone just because we disagree.

  3. Dexter Luck says:

    I love this Pastor Bill and thank you for sharing! Even if the person is not a Christian what happens if they are going to a church could be a life changing event.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That’s very true Dexter. As long as someone is alive they have a chance to hear and respond.