September 18

Written by Bill Grandi on September 18th, 2024

I read the following story recently. I thought I would share it with you:

In 1942 Davis Ellis was hired as educational director for Allstate Insurance Company. His job was to recruit and train female insurance agents during WWII. In 1950 Ellis’ daughter got sick with hepatitis. One morning as Dave headed out the door for work, the family physician called to let the family know that he was very concerned about JoAnn and that he was calling in a specialist, a Dr. Keyser. That evening when Ellis returned home, his wife, Helen, rushed to him and threw her arms around him. “Dave,” she said, “the specialist has examined JoAnn and Dr. Cummings tells me that JoAnn in in good hands with Dr. Keyser.”

JoAnn recovered, and later that year, Ellis was part of a group working into the night to plan Allstate’s ad program for the coming year. Dave Ellis remembered how his anxiety eased when hearing those words: in good hands. He suggested using it as a slogan, along with an illustration of a pair of hands cradling a car. “You’re in good hands” has been Allstate’s slogan ever since. (found in Saved by Nancy Guthrie-p.127)

Just so you know, this is not a commercial for Allstate. My insurance company has been a “Good Neighbor” for close to 50 years.  🙂

But here is my thought I’d like you to ponder as well: Many people deem trouble and suffering as a bad thing. To be transparent, I’ve done my fair share of complaining, whining, and even crying when situations seem to keep coming and want to overwhelm me. But one thing I need to, no, want to keep in mind is that every moment, every event, is either a learning moment or a teaching moment. I can use it to learn something or use it to teach something.  Mr. Ellis used the moment with his daughter to learn something and then, in turn, use it to teach/share into a positive lesson.

In I Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul is writing about Israel’s history in the wilderness and says these words: “These are things that happened as a warning to us.” (v.6). In verse 11 he says, “These things happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us…”

Waste nothing. Learn from it. Teach it.

{Note: All Scripture from New Living Translation}


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. What a great story, Bill! Yes, we can learn from all that happens in our lives, good and bad, and we can inspire others who are going through troubled times. Great reflection!
    Oh, and we have a good neighbor, too. 🙂

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I loved that story Martha! I like hearing the history of things but also just the idea of learning and sharing. I’m glad you have a good neighbor also. 🙂

  2. gail says:

    I work in marketing, and I am chuckling at your story. Paul was a great example of taking every beating, jail time, being thrown out of town, hungry, every harsh moment and still turning that into glory for God. When you can sing praises to God, when you are in jail, while being bound by your hands, feet, and head, you are walking in faith with God. It is hard when you are in the trenches of a rough time, to ask God what do I need to learn or what is my lesson I need to take away. However, it is amazing, what God will reveal to you when you honestly seek His advice. It also makes your witness statement to the next person that needs to hear that story so much more compelling.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I totally agree Gail. It is amazing how much God gets the credit from us when we realize He has brought us through some rough terrain. To learn a lesson and/or share that lesson is key.

  3. Ed says:

    lately I’ve been “learning” a lot. I just hope it sticks, lol.