December 5

Written by Bill Grandi on December 5th, 2024

Years ago I bought a book by the late Francis Schaeffer entitled No Little People. It was a collection of 16 of his sermons. My favorite was No Little People, No Little Places. The gist of that sermon can easily be seen by the title. No one or no place the follower of Christ is should ever be seen as too small or too insignificant.

In his December 3rd devotion from Everyday Gospel Christmas Devotion, author Paul David Tripp wrote, “God calls us to represent Him in this fallen world not because we are able but because He is.” When Moses found himself before the burning bush in Exodus 3-4, he was filled with excuses on how God made a mistake calling him to face the Egyptians and to free His people in Egypt.

Moses does what many of us do. God calls us or leads us to do something and we pull out the “Excuses-to-use” book. “I’m insignificant.” “I can’t talk.” “They won’t believe me.” “Send someone else.” Excuse after excuse. Comparison. Feeling inadequate. All in an attempt to avoid heeding God’s call. 

Over the years I’ve learned something important. God doesn’t call people because they are multi-talented; can woo the socks off people; are a good fund-raiser; have an outgoing personality; or any other welcome trait that we put a premium on. No, God actually uses people who are not full of themselves. He’s not looking for those who think they are God’s gift to the human race. He is looking for people who are willing to be used. Those who realize they are nothing and can do nothing without Him.

He’s looking for people who are humble and small and willing to follow and trust Him. Hmmm. Seems to me like the precedent was set over 2000 years ago by a baby in a manger.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ed says:

    Amen! If God can use a donkey to speak to a man, He can use us to speak to anything, or anyone!

  2. God can always use “the least of these” to give His message to this hurting world. May we be ready to serve Him.
    Blessings, Bill!

  3. gail says:

    Great post Bill. I have been on both sides of God’s request, I have certainly been the excuse wagon far to many times. I have also said that makes no sense I must have misunderstood, but I tried to do what I felt like God had directed me to do. I love Paul’s quote it is never about what we can do, it is always about what God can do. That is so true, and when you get to be a part of that plan, and you see God’s hand in the plan, there is no better feeling in the world. God never has to have us in His plan to be successful, but when we say yes Lord I’m available, the spiritual growth, the closeness to God, nothing will ever compare to what God is about to teach you.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’ve been on both sides as well Gail. Some distress on both-fight or follow. but as you say, there is no better feeling.

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