December 19

Written by Bill Grandi on December 19th, 2024

I have a laptop that I use quite a lot. Over a year ago someone in the church gave me a big monitor which I absolutely love. My laptop sits closed at the base of the monitor because I like using an external keyboard rather than trying to fit my big fingers on the small keyboard of the laptop. I have a Bible open to my favorite chapter in the Bible sitting on top of my closed laptop and a post-it “thingy” (it looks like an arrow that says, “Read me!”) pointed directly to my favorite verse. I have one pointing to Luke 24:32 since that verse is the theme for my 2025 year of preaching. When Jesus walked with the two men on the road to Emmaus following His resurrection, they realized who He was when He broke bread with them. Their words were “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” I want to keep that constantly in front of me as I study.

But hands down my favorite passage in Psalm 37. I have the post-it arrow focused on verse 5. Please allow me to share with you the words from Psalm 37:1-8 this morning. I can think of no better way to start the day than to read Scripture and focus on what it says. Maybe this will be just for you today.

“Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. (That was verse 5) He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper-it only leads to harm.”  A little later in that chapter (verses 23-24) he writes, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”  (Scripture from NLT)

I wrote it without verse divisions because I wanted you to see its flawless reading. How it flows. But most importantly the meaning and encouragement this chapter gives. I hope and pray you might take some time today to meditate on these verses and then allow them to flood your heart and soul.  Who knows? They just may become your favorite as well!


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. I so enjoyed reading this Psalm with you today, Bill, and taking it to heart. Thanks for helping us all to focus on what is true and right in the eyes of God.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m so glad you were able to read along with me and focus on what is right and true in God’s eyes Martha. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    I like how the passage redirects our attention to our interactions with God vs our observations with the world. Isn’t that the enemy’s goal to begin with? Distract us with what others have or do and cause our focus to be shifted to them and away from God. Splinter and log in the eye seems to come to mind. Thanks for sharing and the thought/attitude course correction.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I believe your assessment is correct Ryan about where our attention lies. Appreciate you closing thought also.

  3. gail says:

    Great Psalm Bill, and a great reminder to focus on God first. The culture just stirs up emotions and leads us to lies about what is important and what we need. All we need is God’s promises, and His love, grace, and mercy never fails. God’s kingdom is far better, and more fulfilling for our lives than anything we can find here on earth. Great Psalm to start any day with for sure, thanks Bill.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      You’re more than welcome Gail. Glad I could help you start your day well. And you are right. The world stirs up emotions with lies.

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