Have you ever read or heard the story of someone and wondered “could I do that?” For example, you read the story of someone wrongfully accused of a crime and spends years in prison, only many years later is found to be innocent. When that person is released he/she holds no grudge, no desire for vengeance, no animosity, and no anger. Then you read/hear that person has come to Christ while in prison and then you know the reason. But it doesn’t stop the “could I do that?” from going through your head.
Or how about this? You read the biography of someone who has an incredible life story. You are moved deeply by it and again wonder. For example, Joni, who has been a quad since a diving accident in her teens. It has now been over 50 years and along the way there has been two bouts with breast cancer as well. She holds no bitterness toward God.
Or how about George Mueller? He ran an orphanage for over 300 children. Often times his faith was tested. The story I read this morning was just such a story. He gathered his 300 children for breakfast…but there was no food for breakfast. So they prayed and thanked God for the food. What food? Oh, the bread a baker made when he could not sleep and delivered. And let’s not forget the milkman standing outside the door with milk from his broken down cart. He didn’t want it to spoil.
Talk about faith! Sometimes I’m just downright ashamed of my lack of it. Just the other night I laid awake a good part of the night wondering how I was going to pay for a dental procedure that is going to cost me close to $4k. Oh, me of little faith! I read the story of Mueller and I’m encouraged because His God is my God. The same one who owns the cattle on his hill owns them on mine. I still don’t know how that procedure will get paid for but it will. It’s not a want; its a need, a have-to. Maybe He’ll sell one of my cattle. 🙂
In I Cor. 10 (and I know I’m taking this out of context) it says, “Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.” Perhaps that story of George Mueller was written down and read by me this morning just for me. For this time.
“Father, no lesson is ever wasted. No challenge is ever lost. Help me not to lose sight of that truth. Help me to keep my eyes open to lessons from You.”
Years ago when I was young in The LORD, I read George Mueller’s life story. I was in awe. The. book was recommended by the couple who discipled us. They lived exactly like George Mueller did. One winter the oil had run out of their boiler. We offered to help buy some for them. Nope. Every day the heat came up. Through the whole winter. Come spring, they thought the would have to replace the boiler. Nope. Fine as a fiddle! They lived totally by faith. Extraordinary!
That’s a great story Diane. Thanks for sharing it. Not often do you hear of a modern day anything, let alone a couple who lives and practices like George Mueller.
I had not heard that story of George Mueller before, Bill – what extraordinary, marvelous faith! Praying that our Lord will provide for your needs at this time. He always has ways of coming through!
I agree Martha. I am certainly challenged by stories like that.