I read Colossians 3 this morning. That is how my mind worked and wrapped itself around my reading. In fact, it went into “preacher mode” (unfortunately) and actually did an alliteration. 🙂 I’ll share that with you at the end of this devotion.
FOCUS– Verses 1-2
- Seek the things that are above
- Set your mind on things that are above
REMOVE– Verses 5-9
The focused life-the one centered on Jesus- needs to be cleaned. Old garbage needs to go. Removed. Deleted actually. Killed. Buried. For good. The list is very inclusive of what needs to be removed. It really brings to light the sins which lurk within.
PUT ON– Verses 10-16
The old is removed-stripped off-and put to death. It needs to be replaced with clothes worth wearing. One wouldn’t strip of dirty work clothes, shower, then put those-or dirtier-clothes back on. No. New ones. Clean ones. Fresh-smelling ones. That is what the new nature calls for. This list includes the gifts of the Spirit; the importance of forgiveness; and the exceptional quality of love. (I Cor.13 sure needs to be read at this point). The message overwhelms us, changes us, challenges us, makes us different so we can…
All of the stripping away and renewal (re-clothing) comes with a purpose-to represent Jesus in all things. That’s why it is so essential that the order be followed: Focus. Remove. Put On. Represent.Â
And now for my “preacher mode” which likes alliteration: Rivetted. Remove. Re-clothe. Represent.
“Father, may I represent You clearly. No questions. No cause for sideways glances. No questioning eyes. Focus me. Strip me. Re-clothe me. Let me be a good representative of You.”
A continual process that I must remind myself and be reminded of.
good thoughts this morning.
Continual and a process most definitely. Thanks Ryan.
I do love your alliteration, Bill! Yes, we must be completely cleansed and made new in Jesus. Lord, help me to do just that today.
Thanks Martha. Praying for complete cleansing for me and all
A continuing process that needs to be repeated each and every morning! I sure hope I’m doing it correctly!
I’m not sure there is a “correctly” to follow Ed. Just spending time with Him and allowing Him to change you as you do is what I would suggest.