One of the phrases I despise the most is “I’m justa.” You know how it goes; you hear it all the time. “I’m justa housewife.” “I’m justa stay-at-home mom.” “I’m justa plumber.” “I’m justa garbage collector.” “I’m justa (fill in the blank).”
I hear it a lot. Well, I used to hear it a lot more than I do now. I started interrupting people, stopping them dead in their tracks. I even interrupted them as they talked saying, “You aren’t justa.”
No one is. One of the the great things about being a follower of Jesus is that no one is insignificant, nor is what one does. I remember a book by Francis Schaeffer called No Little People, No Little Places. That about sums it up. With God nothing anyone does for Him is too little or too insignificant.
I like what Bob Goff wrote:
Following Jesus looks different for each of us…He didn’t create us to fit into a mold that would have us all turn out the same. (#315-p.366)
The Bible has something to say about that as well. For its take on the whole matter, check out I Corinthians 12. No one is “justa.” No one does the insignificant. We all must follow God on the path He laid out for us. Me. You.
“Father, what I do from day to day may seem small to some. But not to You. It has importance to You because I am important to You. Use what I do to glorify You.”
Great reminder, Bill! I needed that this morning. Thanks!
You’re welcome Diane. I need to be reminded as well.
I need to be reminded that my “day job” is really just a front for my real job which is to be like Jesus to those I encounter every day. That takes what some might consider insignificant and makes it most significant. I agree with Diane, great reminder this morning!
That is a good thought Ryan. Our “day job” versus our real job. I need to remember that as well…no matter what I do for a “day job.”
It never hurts to remind ourselves of what is important.
I never really gave it much thought as to what I am… I guess that I need to, as Diane says.. remind myself every day.
It’s vital to remember that each of us is valued and precious in the eyes of God.
Blessings, Bill!
You put your finger right on it Martha. Thanks.