March 22

Written by Bill Grandi on March 22nd, 2022

I cracked open an old friend the other day. No, not the Bible! 🙂  Years ago, 1994 to be exact, I read a book-a fiction book-which literally changed my life. I read it once and thought it was good as an addition to Christian fiction reading at the time. A year later I went away for a 3 day retreat of prayer and fasting. I took the book with me. At the time, I am not sure why. I soon found out it was a God-thing. I started reading the book during some self-imposed down time at the retreat and was blindsided by it. I found myself weeping-not because it was an emotional book of tear-jerking love stories-but because I saw me. And I didn’t like what I saw.

Wisdom Hunter by Randall Arthur is the story of Jason Faircloth, an authoritarian, legalistic, know-it-all pastor whose life was turned upside down by two catastrophic events. These events led him to abandon his “pastor calling” and go on a search for wisdom and truth.

I can relate to Jason because I, too, was an arrogant, pompous, know-it-all. God used that book to dig deep into my heart with a pick-axe. The only ones Jesus had trouble with in His ministry were the religious, know-it-all, legalistic Pharisees. I didn’t want that anymore. I wanted to be open to His Word, to His leading, to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and to being taught new and exciting truths.

I’m there again. Not the legalistic, pompous (least I hope not), know-it-all. I want to learn more. I want an insatiable hunger and thirst for God’s Word. I want to “know Him and the power of His resurrection” as Paul puts it in Phil. 3:10 (that word “know” literally means “to know intimately”). I’m not anywhere near the legalistic pastor I was back then (I NEVER want to go back there again), but I do want to crave a relationship with the Father and seek His wisdom.

I’d appreciate your prayers for me.

{Note: It is very possible the next couple of devotions will include some thoughts from the book that especially touched me…then and now).


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Glynn says:

    It’s amazing what a work of fiction can do. It demonstrates the power of storytelling.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I most certainly agree Glynn. I totally enjoyed your “Dancing Priest” series as well.

  2. Ryan S says:

    I am certainly glad I met you after your legalistic period. I am with you on the journey to know God more intimately. To seek His truth not for the purpose in pointing out the faults of others, but to recognize the barriers that hold me back from pursuing Him more.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Yeah, I am not sure you would have liked that former shell of mine. I like your idea of seeking His truth to pursue Him and not to fault-find.

  3. It’s so amazing to me how God will lead us at times to the very things we need to grow our faith and trust in Him more. I loved Randall Arthur’s books, too, Bill, although legalism isn’t something I’d had a personal struggle with, but had known pastors who acted in that way. God does want all of us to keep growing in Him, and it sounds like He’s pointing you in the right direction.
    Loved Sunday’s sermon!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I think we sometimes try to limit God by saying He only works in one way. In this case he used a fiction book to wake me up. I’m looking forward to reading Betrayal again and then his other two which followed. Glad you liked the sermon Martha.