Several years ago-well over 20-I did a personal Bible study, then led several groups through the study as well. The study included a story of D.L. Moody. The story goes that someone approached Moody and said, “The world has yet to see what God can do with and through and in a man who is wholly committed to Him.” Moody was reported to have said, “Then I will be that man.” What I have read of Moody is that was his life’s goal.
That is an intriguing story…and an intriguing challenge.
For someone to issue that challenge with one simple statement to a man of Moody’s spiritual stature is pretty bold. (Then again, perhaps that is why Moody became the man of God he was). I sort of wonder what precluded him saying that to Moody and why.
But the greater impact was Moody’s willingness to say, “Here I am.”
That reminds me of Daniel who refused to be silenced for fear of a lion’s den.
That reminds of Shadrach, Meschah, and Abednego who refused to bow for fear of a furnace.
That reminds me of Jeremiah who found himself locked up because he would not stay quiet about Israel’s degradation.
That reminds me of Peter and John who were unafraid of the religious leaders and the consequences of continuing to talk about Jesus. “It is far better for us to listen to God than to man.”
That reminds me of Polycarp, the pastor of Smyrna, who refused to denounce his faith in the “One True King” in order to avoid being burned to death.
That reminds me of the early reformers who refused to be quiet about the Roman Church for fear of being burned alive at the stake.
That reminds me of persecuted Christians in China, North Korea, Iran, etc who face the loss of everything for converting to Christ.
That also reminds me to ask myself, “What about you Bill? Will you take that challenge to be the man willing to see what God can do with and through and in a man who is wholly committed to Him?”
And what about you?
What is amazing about this is this is not at all what we can do… but simply being available to do what God calls us to do.
It is about being free from the snares and the chains that the enemy would like to capture and bind us with mostly through our own doing. It is not about perfection, it is not about a checklist of disciplines or deeds, it is completely about a heart and spirit in constant communion with our Creator God and simply being a conduit of His Wisdom and Power.
As I am quickly approaching 50, I find myself wondering more and more… what would I look like if I was all in. How would God use me? I need to stop the compartmentalizing and allow God into every area of my heart, mind, and soul — only then will I even begin to see how God can use me completely.
You are right Ryan. It is not what we can do but what we will allow God to do in and through us. Approaching 50 huh? You young whippersmapper. Trying to rub it in since that makes me 20+ years older than you. *Groan* On the serious side, I am intrigued by what it would look like for me to be completely sold out to Jesus.
Amen, Bill! May we all be as available to God as He would have us be. There is no end to the miracles He can do through us when we allow Him to.
You are so right Martha. There is no end to what God can do if we simply surrender to Him.
It is easy to say, God is first in my life and nothing else matters as much as that. However I know God, and looking at my life I do not see a person whose fruits all appear as someone who God used to their fullest potential. The question is, how many times did I turn down God’s request? God has already proven, He does not need me to have special talents and to do things beyond my means, all He needs is my complete surrender, and willingness to obey. I know who is the weak one in the equation, why am I not completely sold out to Jesus as I say I want to be?
Like you Gail, I know who the weak one is in my equation also and it “ain’t God.” You ask a good question, “Why am I not?”