You made the promise. Keep it!!
One cannot underestimate the importance of keeping a promise. Keeping your word-being a person of integrity- is so vital to relationships that one cannot fathom its impact.
In the life of David, there is a phenomenal story that shows his character. He had a best friend-Jonathan-who had David promise he would take care of his family after his death. In all the shuffle involving David becoming king (he waited 7 years after King Saul’s death), there came a time when David remembered his promise to Jonathan. As he asked and they investigated, David was made aware of Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth (M). M had been dropped as a child in his nurse’s haste to get him to safety, resulting in him being a cripple. He was called into King David’s presence and bowed before him. I’m sure he was petrified. “What does the king want with me?” David told him, “Don’t be afraid! I intend to show kindness to you because of my promise to your father, Jonathan.” David ended up restoring all the land of King Saul to M; enlisted his servant, Ziba (and his sons), who had been with M for quite a long time, to take care of the land; AND M was to eat at King David’s table as long as he lived. (You can read the whole story in 2 Samuel 9).
WOW! Talk about a promise made and a promise kept! Proverbs 11:20 says, “The Lord detests people with crooked hearts, but He delights in those with integrity.” For all of David’s faults (and ours as well), David’s heart was one of integrity. He made a promise and kept it. M’s life was richer because of it.
Follow the Father’s example. Keep your promises. He showed us the way in that department. He has made promises and has kept His every word. I can think of one huge one. One word: Jesus.
Excellent post, Bill! Psalm 15:4 tells us to swear unto our own hurt. If we say we will do something, and even if it hurts to follow through on it, we do it. That’s integrity! Many years ago a beloved friend of mine recounted this story to me: Kitty found a lump in her breast and had to go for a biopsy. A friend of hers offered to go with her for support. Kitty, was so grateful for her offer and took her up on it. The morning of the scheduled biopsy the friend called Kitty and told her that her sister-in-law asked her to go shopping for a dress she needed. She stood Kitty up to go shopping! Kitty was absolutely devasted and to this day – just telling the story – brings up pain. This particular life story taught me a valuable lesson, and I never want to do that to someone.
Thanks for the reply and the story Diane. How sad! That is what is a friend is NOT! And to do it for something as silly as a dress-finding trip? Can anyone say “ruined friendship?” But you turned it into a positive for yourself.
Promises should never be made unless we plan to keep them. God has given us a great model both in Himself and David, His servant.
Blessings, Bill!
Totally agree Martha. I think there was an old song by the title: “Don’t Make Promises you Can’t Keep.”
Absolutely true Bill. There are so many things that are out of our control, however, keeping our word is always in our control. Being a person with integrity, and being able to be counted on to help someone in their time of need, is how we allow God to shine in our lives to someone else’s life. Being a person whose word you can count on, is a greater gift of being a servant, and following in Jesus’s footsteps.
I agree with what you say here Gail. It is in our control to keep our word and if we are a person of integrity then it will happen. it is a gift of a servant to do what he/she says.