If there was ever an example in the Bible that would and should blow apart that whole idea that God wants you health and wealthy and if you do good only good things will happen, it is the life of Joseph. For those who may not know perhaps a short recap is in order:
- “Favored son status”- His father, Jacob, loved Rachel. After years of infertility she was able to give birth to Joseph.
- Jacob showed his favoritism toward Joseph by giving him a coat of many colors, which became a sore spot for his brothers.
- Jacob seemed to have used Joseph to “tattle” on his brothers.
- Joseph was a dreamer and he didn’t keep those dreams to himself. Oh no. When he had a dream about the sheaves of wheat bowing down to him, he infuriated his brothers. When he had a dream about the sun and moon (including his father) bowing down to him, he drove the dagger deeper.
- Sold into slavery.
- Chosen by Potiphar to be his servant and he was so successful Potiphar soon promoted him to the steward of his household. He was in charge of everything…
- …Except Potiphar’s wife. She didn’t care and decided Joseph was too good looking to pass up. But Joseph maintained his integrity even in the midst of powerful temptation.
- Falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife of attempted rape, he would wind up in prison (where he would soon impress the head of the prison who put him in charge).
- Joseph interprets two dreams and they both come true but the chief’s cupbearer, even though restored to his former position as Joseph predicted, forgot Joseph existed. More time languishing in prison.
Joseph’s life was neither easy nor comfortable. In fact, we might yell out “it is unfair!” because here was a man who maintained his integrity and fear (reverence) for God, but suffered injustice, false accusations, and being forgotten. So much for God’s people enjoying favored status and all the creature comforts.
God’s people today are never promised ease, comfort and smooth sailing. What we are promised is the presence of a faithful God who doesn’t forget us. In case you don’t know, Joseph is eventually vindicated when Pharaoh has a dream and no one can interpret it. The cupbearer remembers Joseph, recommends him and when he not only interprets the dream but gives a solution to it, he is promoted to second in command only to Pharaoh. Will everything always turn out like that for the Christ-follower? We are not promised that. We are promised God’s love and presence-past, present and future. Joseph’s hardships were not the end of his story. Nor are ours. Trust Him to work out all things for your good.
Such good food for thought, Bill. If my got me thinking about all the “main characters” in the Bible and the difficulties they faced. David was chased by Saul for years. Isaac was cheated out of his wife and had to work 14 years for someone who didn’t trust him to get her. Paul was stoned, lied about, and imprisoned, just to name a few. It’s kind of egotistical for us to think that God owes us health, wealth and wisdom!
Thanks Pam. You have given some good examples and there are so much more. I just listened to a Todd Friel video where he has Kenneth Copeland speaking for God saying he would live for 120 years. WOW!
Even rose gardens come with thorns, don’t they? Life isn’t easy, but with faith and trust in God, all will be well in the end. Great inspiration today, Bill!
I like your illustration Martha. And yes, they do. And thank you.
If you want an easy life, being a christian is not that life. The Bible teaches us that in so many ways. Joseph’s life and so many others, had a lot turns and twists that do not seem fair at all. So many things we cannot explain on earth, and will not understand until we get into heaven. Try and explain, why a young child, gets cancer, and passes away, or is abused, you cannot explain that. What the Bible does teach us, is that God is faithful, and He loves us more than words could ever explain. That our ways and thoughts are not His. One promise we can lean on, is the closer we want to get to God, the more He can reveal to us through His word. God’s word will provide us a peace for things we cannot understand.
As you stated Gail there are no easy answers to many questions. I certainly don’t have them, but will with you stand on God’s faithfulness. He knows; I don’t.