There are some people who are “fixers.” No, not fixer uppers. 🙂 You know the kind: they want to “fix” everyone’s problems. It used to be said (and probably still is true to some extent) that most men tend to be fixers. You know how it works! The wife comes to him with an issue and instead of just listening to her, he wants to give advice, i.e. he wants to tell her how to fix the problem.
So…how did that work out?
Not very well I suspect. I found out several things: 1) Jo didn’t want me to fix her problem. She just wanted me to listen; and 2) I have enough trouble fixing my own life/issues let alone trying to offer advice on how someone can fix theirs. Long story short: not a wise thing to do.
When Abram came away from a battle against 4 kings, he met Melchizedek. Abram was tired and worn out. He didn’t need fixed; he needed a friend. And he got one. Check out Gen. 14: 18-20 for that story. Mel didn’t try to preach to him; he ministered to him with food and drink. Just what Abram needed at the moment.
I cannot fix people who come my way, but I can be a friend. And that may be all they need. I can love them and listen to their hearts. I can pray with them if they let me. And I can send them off with a blessing. The greatest blessing I can give them is to bring to them the ONE who is the source of every blessing.
I’m going to stop trying to fix people. I’m lousy as a fixer upper on a house. I think the same can be said about me and people. I am going to bless people with my love and by listening to them and hook them up with the One who is the source of all blessing. How about you? What will you do today to be a “lover” and listener?
“Father, help me to step aside and let people see You in me. Help me to stop trying to fix everyone and simply love them and listen to them and ultimately point them to You.”
Wow…did this speak to me…
Thanks Diane. I’m not sure how some people will take things. But then again, I guess I shouldn’t worry about that when God says, “Write!”
My prayer is that God provide me the discernment to know when I should try to help and when I should just listen…
Aleah, my daughter, started collage last week and it has been challenging. I have tried to be there to just listen… Last night, she needed – and wanted – help.
Not to do the work, but to help her understand the specific assignment due and put together a plan.
I use to want to fix everyone/everything and realized I can’t… I may have shifted to the other side of the boat at times and even ignore calls for help. Shame on me.
It sure is a fine line to walk sometimes isn’t it? I’m glad Aleah knew you would help when needed. As for ignoring calls for help, I have been there done that also.
It’s so true, Bill, that we can’t fix another person, but we sure can listen to them with love and understanding. That’s the best gift we could give – that and sharing the love of Jesus.
I so agree Martha. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to fix them. We are to love them.