Burning Hearts – January 26

Written by Bill Grandi on January 24th, 2025

The question of the existence of God has been one that has gone on for as long as time. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”  Lewis was an atheist until he could not longer deny the facts of His existence. Down through thousands of years people have desired to know God-through drug trips, idol worship, and religious rituals to name a few. But knowing God is more than a whim or a wish.

This week’s message is on whether a person can really know God. I’m using the call and story of Moses to illustrate that God calls all of us to do His work. Some, like Moses, have a dramatic “come to Jesus” moment. I mean, the call of Moses is legendary, just ask Charlton Heston. 🙂  For others, it is far less dramatic, almost like a quiet stream giving off relaxing sounds. Moses’ call was dramatic and it rocked his world. It was definitely out of his comfort zone!! But in all of it, God was making Himself and His power known.

I’d like to invite you to join us Sunday. I know many of you cannot be with us in person, but you can watch our live stream at 9:00 and 10:45.  You can send a request to our Facebook Group at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship or view our public page at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship-Spencer, IN. You may also watch via our YouTube channel at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship. If you happen to watch, would you mind letting us know? No pressure. I promise.


January 23

Written by Bill Grandi on January 23rd, 2025

God’s provision is seen in so many ways. I’d like to share two of them with you today.

The first is from a section of Scripture that gets a lot of traction simply because of its unrelenting grace and goodness of God. The people of Israel have been major complainers for quite a long time. They complained about the servitude in Egypt. God raised up Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. They complained and panicked when they saw Pharaoh’s army coming and they were trapped between the Red Sea and the army. They complained about a lack of water so God told Moses to strike a rock. They complained about a lack of food so God provided manna and quail.  It blows me away to see how God took care of His people. I read this morning about God’s abundance in Psalm 50:9-11: “But I do not need the bulls from your barns or the goats from your pens. For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are mine.” And yet, when you read passages like Exodus 16-17 one can’t help but be amazed at God’s willingness to provide for His people, even though they were ungrateful and wayward at times. Even though they were faithless and discontented way too often, He continued to provide out of His grace! They certainly didn’t deserve it but it was given nonetheless.

The second kind of provision is one you might never give a thought to. Last night at midnight I received a call from someone in the church that her mother had passed. This lady was an elegant 97 year old. Her “boyfriend” of almost 20 years passed away last October one month shy of being 101. I have boyfriend in quotes because she kept saying, “He is not my boyfriend” but at his deathbed she said, “Thank you for being my boyfriend.” 🙂  Ruth fell and broke her hip this past Sunday morning and a CAT scan showed she had suffered a stroke a few days before. I visited her Tuesday and knew it would not be long. She was a sweet lady and she got a chuckle whenever I saw her, hugged and said, “Good morning gorgeous!” Sometimes she would giggle. Sometimes she would roll her eyes. God’s provision for her is a home built just for her. John 14: 2-3 says, “There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” Ruth is home in a home provided for her by the Father. The great part is that I will see her again.

God’s grace and provision is seen in so many ways. I just gave you two of them. Can you think of any more?

Note: All Scripture is from the New Living Translation


January 22

Written by Bill Grandi on January 22nd, 2025

The #1 dysfunction of a team Patrick Lencioni says in his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is an absence of trust (p.43). I’ve been reading it the past two nights and had trouble finding a stopping point last night (but my early morning rising told me I needed to stop). 🙂  He goes on to write: “Trust is the foundation of real teamwork. And so the first dysfunction is a failure on the part of team members to understand and open up to one another. And if that sounds touchy-feely, let me explain, because there is nothing soft about it. It is an absolutely critical part of building a team. In fact, it’s probably the most critical.” (pp.43-44)  To further emphasize its importance he goes on to write: “Great teams are honest with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” (p.44)

I suspect you may be thinking, “Bill, I don’t read this devotional to read about leadership from another book.” Please stick with me for a moment.

Our reading this morning was Exodus 13-15, the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to crossing the Red Sea. But that whole scene was not without its drama. At the end of chapter 13 it says they were guided by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. This allowed them to travel, it says, by day or night. But it wasn’t long until the Egyptian army, led by Pharaoh, decided they didn’t like the idea of the Israelites (their slaves) being gone. And so they pursued the Israelites. Soon, the people of Israel saw Pharaoh and his army approaching and were gripped with fear…and griping.  I love Moses’ words to them: “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Ex. 14:13-14).  In other words: T.R.U.S.T.  If you know the story, God came through. He parted the Red Sea, a strong wind dried the sea bed and the Israelites walked through on dry ground. Meanwhile, the Egyptian army decided to follow and had all kinds of issues with their chariots. Once the people of Israel were on the other side, it was sayonara to the Egyptians. Exodus 15 is a song of praise and adoration to the God who saved them by His mighty power.

The people of Israel were a fickle bunch. Trust. Disbelief. Trust. Disbelief. You get the picture. It wasn’t long after they were complaining about water then a lack of food. Are they any different from many of us? A lack of trust comes into play two ways in the life of a follower of Jesus. First, failing to trust implicitly in the goodness and promised provision of God. Facing life with fear not faith. Second, failing to trust others to understand and help.

We don’t like to admit we may be dysfunctional. Seems to me the first line of defense is to admit we just might be and start trusting.


January 21

Written by Bill Grandi on January 21st, 2025

“Man, that is one stubborn dude!” 

Have you ever used those words? Have they ever been used about you? Trust me when I say they are not a compliment. Other ways to say that don’t lessen the impact. “Stubborn as a mule.” Aaaah yeah…highly complimentary. Pig-headed. Another highly complimentary phrase.

Of course there are those who consider being stubborn a compliment. I’m not sure why, except they will rationalize it by saying, “I stick by my guns.”  “I have convictions and people know where I stand.” I beg to differ with that assessment. There is a difference between convictions based on truth and stubbornness based on personal opinion or belief.

The Bible is filled with stubborn people. Balaam is one. He is the one who had a donkey talk to him. His full story is found in Numbers 22-24. I’d say it is not a compliment when your donkey knows what is better than you do! There are also the kings who decided to do things their own way. How about Jonah who decided to forego a cruise to Ninevah for parts unknown? But I think one of the most stubborn people in the Bible is Pharaoh. My Bible reading for the Everyday Gospel Devotional has taken me from Exodus 7-12 the past two days. You may be familiar with the plagues that struck Egypt because of Pharaoh’s stubbornness: the Nile turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and finally the death of the firstborn. It appears the Israelites were spared these plagues, especially the last one due to the Passover Meal. With blood on the doorpost and down the side of the door, the death angel passed over the household.

Back to Pharaoh. Talk about stubborn! After each plague he would tell Moses to take the people and get out of here but then would change his mind. Even when his advisors told him to let them go (after the plague of locusts) Pharaoh would not listen. The death of his firstborn son finally broke him. At least temporarily. His final act of stupidity…I mean, stubbornness…was chasing the people of Israel into the Red Sea which had parted for them but swallowed Pharaoh and his army.

Being stubborn is not a positive trait. That is especially true when it leads to being bull-headed and taking action which is not good. Standing by/for something that is not true or good. Being stubborn is an act of selfishness. Pharaoh could have saved himself and the people he ruled a lot of heartache and headache if he had not been so stubborn and listened to his advisors. We are often no different. Verse after verse in the Bible speaks of the stubbornness of the people. Deuteronomy. Jeremiah. Isaiah. And others. And we are not exempt either.

Humility. Kindness. Mercy. Love. Grace. They all keep stubbornness in check. It’s time…


January 20

Written by Bill Grandi on January 20th, 2025

On one of the old Happy Days TV programs, teenager Richie Cunningham had just been “grounded for life” by his father for misbehavior. As father and son talked about Richie’s misdeed and the punishment, Howard Cunningham asked his son, “Do you know that there is a lesson in this for you?” Richie’s response was priceless: “I figured anything with this much pain had to have a lesson in it somewhere.”  How true, Richie, how true. It is a given that more lessons, more life-changing and life-altering lessons, are learned through difficulties and trials than through ease. In fact, I would venture to say the answer would be zero lessons learned when life is easy.

As I preached on this yesterday I used the illustration of the death of my father-in-law. In 1998 he was being operated on to have a triple by-pass redone. They had done one years before but could not find any evidence of it. During the operation, they were able to do two of the by-passes and when they opened them up they “pinked up” perfectly. But suddenly all the plaque from the old ones let loose and he died on the operating table. I was unprepared for that. Several days later I did his funeral service and held myself together for that. But following that and the meal which followed I went out by myself and bawled like a baby in my van. In 25 years I had never lost someone super close to me and I had done tons of funerals. For the first time I had truly felt the pain of losing someone I loved. I was closer to him than I was my own flesh and blood father. He told me once he was unsure how he felt about his daughter marrying a pastor (more about how he would act around me), but that she chose well and he was proud I was his son-in-law. He could be funny and “earthy” at the same time. He once got a smirk on his face as he began working on my taxes and lit up a cigar. He knew I was allergic to it but the smell was awful. It literally gagged me. He bust out laughing because he knew that would be my reaction and I would leave the office. At the same time, he loved his family and that included me. His love for his two granddaughters was a sight to watch.

I learned a lot through his death. I became “human” as a pastor. I now understood the pain people felt at the loss of a loved one. I no longer participated in a funeral as a detached entity. I try to remember that, even today, soon-to-be 27 years removed from his death. Empathy is a big thing. Take the time to slow down and hear people’s hearts ache. Lend an ear. Better yet, lend a hand or a shoulder. My biggest lesson was not learned in a time of ease, but in the fire.


Burning Hearts -January 19

Written by Bill Grandi on January 17th, 2025

One of the most beloved OT characters is Joseph. His life challenges seem daunting, even to us in 2025. But the lessons we can learn! Oh WOW!!

The coach has reached the point of exasperation: “Losing five games in a row is bad enough. But what really frustrates me is that we keep making the same mistakes over and over. We just aren’t learning anything!” Been there done that! 🙂  I read of a man who had been at a company 25 years but was passed over for a promotion. When he went to see his boss he asked why after 25 years of experience he could be passed over. The boss looked at him and said, “You haven’t had 25 years of experience. You have had one year experience 25 times.”

The story of Joseph is a story of highs and lows, love and hate, conviction and punishment, forgotten but not alone, then rewarded far beyond his wildest dreams. All in God’s stunning plan. The lessons we can learn are unforgettable and monumental. In direct line of sight is God’s sovereign leading and ability to take ugly events and turn them into good.

I will be preaching on Joseph’s life this week (Genesis 38-Exodus 3) as we continue our study from the Everyday Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp. Starting with the foundation Jacob laid with making and showing Joseph as his favorite to Joseph’s death, it will be a fun and interesting ride. (Exodus 1-3 will introduce next week’s message).  The second part of the message will see Joseph’s life like a play in 4 acts:

  1. Treachery (37:18-36
  2. Temptation (39:1-18)
  3. Disappointment (39:19-40:23
  4. Forgiveness or Bitterness?  (41:1-45:15)

Please join us in person if you are able. I  will see you at 9:00 and 10:45. If you can’t be here is person, you can watch our live stream. You can send a request to join our Facebook Group at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship or view our public page at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship-Spencer, In. Or you watch via YouTube at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship.

Here’s to hoping there is NO SNOW!  🙂


January 16

Written by Bill Grandi on January 16th, 2025

What do you do and where do you go when you feel like you have had enough? As I read some Scripture this morning and thought about what to write, that is the question which came to mind.

Last night I began a new class called Wednesday Night Conversations. The class itself is not new; I had started it last Fall but took a break around the holidays. I restarted it last night and it will run until March 12th since the 19th is Spring Break (and I will not compete with that!). 🙂  The series of lessons is based on a book by Shane Pruitt entitled 9 Common Lies Christians Believe. The book is about one-liners many Christians are guilty of using when talking to people. Last night’s lie was “God will never give me more than I can handle.”  We investigated it using I Cor. 10:12-13 as the basis. Of course, the context is important. Long story short, God never says He will give us more than we can handle. He does want us to know that when temptation comes or when trials hit, He is there to go through it with us. That is the promise of not getting more than we can handle. He wants us to know with Him we can handle anything.

All of that was fresh on my mind when I read Scripture from Psalms this morning. In Psalm 35:9-11 it says, “Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be glad because he rescues me. With every bone in my body I will praise him; ‘Lord, who can compare with you? Who else rescues the helpless from the strong? Who else protects the helpless and poor from those who rob them?'” In the very next chapter I read this: “Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths.” (36:5-6).

It was common to hear from myself and others last night that life is hard but that God has promised His presence and faithfulness. I am not ashamed to admit that I thrive on that truth.  There have been times I have felt like I was at the end of my rope. Not emotionally. Not that way. But just felt like giving up. I had nothing left. I had no more desire to go on with what I was doing. But God had other plans and I am so glad I listened to Him and didn’t follow my heart (one of the common lies BTW). If I had given up, I would not be experiencing the love and joy of the church I pastor and the sheer joy of knowing I am in the center of His will. He was and is and (I’m sure) will always be sufficient.

{All Scripture from the New Living Translation}


January 15

Written by Bill Grandi on January 15th, 2025

I began reading a leadership book by Jon Gordon called The Energy Bus yesterday. I haven’t been able to get very far into it since I was at a doctor’s office waiting and got interrupted. (How rude!) 🙂  So far the gist of the book is Positivity vs Negativity. As I thought about that and then as I listened to the confirmation hearings for Pete Hegseth while I ate my supper, I couldn’t but see that many of those lawmakers needed a good dose of what this book appears to be about. The vitriol, negativity, hypocrisy and downright nastiness was a big turn off to me.

The Bible speaks about doing all things without grumbling and complaining (Phil. 2:14). To use another word: whining. I remember as I was growing up one of my grandfather’s favorite expressions was “Oh, stop your belly-achin'” Even as I type those words I can hear him saying them. (Not to me, of course, because I never complained). 🙂  Seriously though, he was on the money. No one ever made their situation or attitude better-or those around them-by grumbling and complaining.  When I think of someone whining I think of a little child who is not getting his/her way and let’s everyone know. That little whiny voice just grates on my nerves. Well…sadly, many never seem to grow out of that stage of life. Oh, their bodies grow. And yes, their minds grow (least we hope). Their vocabulary grows. But they just don’t seem to grow out of that whininess (and yes, I know that is not a word. Maybe it will be the 2025 Word of the Year!).

This morning in my daily Bible reading I read the following verses. I share them with you because I do believe that our attitude plays a lot into the way we see our day and others. “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.” (Psalm 34:8-10). Then from Proverbs 15 I read the following verses: “The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness.” (v. 2). “A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.” (v.13). And one more: “Better to have little, with fear for the Lord, than to have great treasure and inner turmoil.” (v.16)

We all have a choice. We  can allow our circumstances to dictate our attitude, or we will allow our attitude to dictate how we see our circumstances. The latter makes more sense for the one who is a follower of Christ because we know the ONE who controls everything!  Make a positive difference today with your attitude. Pull people up not drag them down. You’ll be glad you did and your friends and colleagues will thank you. 


January 14

Written by Bill Grandi on January 14th, 2025

I want to piggyback on yesterday’s devotion a bit. You can read that here.

I summarized the early part of Joseph’s life in that post. As I read today, I made a few more observations that I had missed in previous readings. I’d like to share them with you today.

First, it is often tiring waiting. I hate waiting in lines at a store where there are multiple check out lines but only one or two cashiers working.  And invariably I get in the line of the cashier who is as slow as molasses. But, that is a fact of life and there is really nothing I can do about it. I noticed something in Joseph’s life as I read. I brought up in yesterday’s post about Joseph interpreting the dreams of the king’s cupbearer and baker. When the cupbearer’s life is spared and he is restored to his original position, Joseph asks him to remember him. Genesis 40:23 tells the story: “Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought.”  Well…so much for “remember me.” 

But as I continued reading this morning the first 4 words of 41:1 stood out to me: “Two full years later.” See that? Two. full. years. later. Joseph languished in that prison for two more years! Granted, he may not have had it as bad as some since he was given the “head” of the prison, but still! Two years later Pharaoh has two dreams that his magicians and wise men could not interpret. Suddenly, the cupbearer remembers Joseph and I like what he says: “Today I have been reminded of my failure.” Ya think?  Long story short he tells Pharaoh about Joseph so Pharaoh calls for Joseph. He cleans up (tells you a little bit about the prison conditions) and stands before Pharaoh.

Here is where the second lesson comes in. Pharaoh tells Joseph he had dreams and no one is able to interpret them, but that he has heard Joseph could. And don’t miss this! “It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you want it means and set you at ease.” (41:16) Talk about giving credit where credit is due!! Joseph could have easily hid where his wisdom comes from or he could have just said, “Tell me and I will tell you.” NO. He makes sure God is given the credit for the ability to interpret the dreams.

So Joseph tells him what the dreams mean and also gives a plan for the dilemma they bring up.  (I would encourage you to read Genesis 41 for the whole story). Joseph is elevated to second in command with only Pharaoh having more prominence and power than him. And Joseph implements his plan for preparing and ultimately saving Egypt and surrounding areas from the famine.

Imagine if Joseph had pouted and complained and harbored hatred toward that cupbearer. Just think how miserable his life would have been. Just remember: we may not like waiting, but there is a purpose, even when we can’t see it.


January 13

Written by Bill Grandi on January 13th, 2025

If there was ever an example in the Bible that would and should blow apart that whole idea that God wants you health and wealthy and if you do good only good things will happen, it is the life of Joseph. For those who may not know perhaps a short recap is in order:

  • “Favored son status”- His father, Jacob, loved Rachel. After years of infertility she was able to give birth to Joseph.
  • Jacob showed his favoritism toward Joseph by giving him a coat of many colors, which became a sore spot for his brothers.
  • Jacob seemed to have used Joseph to “tattle” on his brothers.
  • Joseph was a dreamer and he didn’t keep those dreams to himself. Oh no. When he had a dream about the sheaves of wheat bowing down to him, he infuriated his brothers. When he had a dream about the sun and moon (including his father) bowing down to him, he drove the dagger deeper.
  • Sold into slavery.
  • Chosen by Potiphar to be his servant and he was so successful Potiphar soon promoted him to the steward of his household. He was in charge of everything…
  • …Except Potiphar’s wife. She didn’t care and decided Joseph was too good looking to pass up. But Joseph maintained his integrity even in the midst of powerful temptation.
  • Falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife of attempted rape, he would wind up in prison (where he would soon impress the head of the prison who put him in charge).
  • Joseph interprets two dreams and they both come true but the chief’s cupbearer, even though restored to his former position as Joseph predicted, forgot Joseph existed. More time languishing in prison.

Joseph’s life was neither easy nor comfortable. In fact, we might yell out “it is unfair!” because here was a man who maintained his integrity and fear (reverence) for God, but suffered injustice, false accusations, and being forgotten. So much for God’s people enjoying favored status and all the creature comforts.

God’s people today are never promised ease, comfort and smooth sailing. What we are promised is the presence of a faithful God who doesn’t forget us. In case you don’t know, Joseph is eventually vindicated when Pharaoh has a dream and no one can interpret it. The cupbearer remembers Joseph, recommends him and when he not only interprets the dream but gives a solution to it, he is promoted to second in command only to Pharaoh. Will everything always turn out like that for the Christ-follower? We are not promised that. We are promised God’s love and presence-past, present and future. Joseph’s hardships were not the end of his story. Nor are ours. Trust Him to work out all things for your good.